For the new Supreme Allied Commander, the last two years of the war would be his most challenging yet. Eisenhower would oversee the gargantuan plan for the invasion of Europe: the largest air, sea, and land assault in history. He would be the one to give the ultimate order that he knew would send thousands of young men to their deaths. And, despite a top-notch staff and talented commanders, it would be he alone who would have to shoulder the crushing responsibility of decision making.
On January 2, 1944, Ike arrived in Washington, D.C. General Marshal had ordered him to rest before beginning the planning for Operation Overlord. The trip was hardly relaxing. Ike met with General Marshall and President Roosevelt. He and Mamie paid a hurried visit to John at West Point and then spent a few days alone together. He even managed to make a quick trip home to Kansas. But, when he arrived in London two weeks later, it was a great relief. Finally, he could get to work!\
Ike threw himself and his staff into planning the Allied invasion of France. Hitler had had four years to fortify the French coast, and predictions of Allied casualties were high. But Ike and his commanders grew steadily more confident that spring. Allied bombing was having an impact in the West and the Red Army steadily gained ground in the East.